Five career mistakes we all are doing

7 min readApr 30, 2021

Whether working for your dreams or studying hard to get enough grades or having a job, we all have failed once in our life. And if not failed, somehow you did not get what you actually wanted. Sometimes, you also feel that even after giving your blood and sweat to this work, you still managed to ruin it.

Why do these things happen? Even after working so hard to achieve your dream college or the job you wished for. How can these even happen when you’re putting in so much? Is the hard work enough to get what you want? Or Is there something else that’s being a hurdle to your #RANK1 performance?

Let’s answer these questions quickly with some pinned points that you all might already know but never had time to genuinely think about it or you may have never taken them seriously UNTIL NOW.

Here are the 5 { well known but not taken seriously } career mistakes we all are doing.

{1} SOCIAL MEDIA — It may sound a cliché to you, but that is the ultimate reason for almost everything you’re not having RN(except if you earn from IG, YouTube et cetera). When it comes to the people who are seriously trying to make out their career, this is no less than EVIL. We can’t deny that social media connects us to the people we love and also makes things easy for us. But just like liquor, this platform can only be beneficial as long as it is being used within limits, once it gets out of control and you get addicted to it, there’s nothing that can be done to save your precious time.

And for a fact, people who’ve introduced these apps have also accepted the fact that they show things which are in interest of that person, they understand the behavior of an individual through algorithms set in their applications, and make sure that the subject spends maximum of its time on the app. Now the subject is YOU.

So it’s up to you whether you uninstall the app or restrict your usage time. Such as there are several apps on stores and some are default in our phones that can limit the timings of app use, and also let you see how much time you spend on your mobile phones or for instance how many times you’ve unlocked it. Ultimately the outcome will show you the results, whether scrolling down through the feeds or reels for hours is good or reading a whole chapter in that timeline.

{2} TEMPORARY FRIENDS — Friends are need indeed. But here comes our BUTS, a lot of buts coming through. When you’re investing your most of the time on friends whom you’re going to see for a couple of days, that’s basically ruining your precious time. Meeting your some of the friends from time to time, keeping a check on each other and also going on trips, these all keeps you and your friendship healthy. But making a time slot for the friends you don’t need or might be just using that time for fun , may cost you a lot more than you think it does. It ruins you while you think of it as a NO BIG DEAL.

It may sound absurd once you hear it and also feels rude to the people who are extroverts. But when you’ll give it a thought and think about the times when you didn’t want to hang out but you still managed to go, made time slots for your buddies when there were exams so that it’s not rude, you ended up being bored, tired to the limits where you can’t invest rest of the time in your actual work and blah-blah. You may notice that you wasted enough time that would’ve been suffice to make you a topper.

You see, here’s the problem, you got make time for yourself first and then your most lovable peeps and then may come other ones. Sometimes being too nice can also hamper your own state of peace. Better watch your day-planner next time before going out with you F.R.I.E.N.D.S.

{3} LOOSE TIMETABLE — Most of us make a time table , follow it for two three days and then gets back to our comfort zone. We gotta nurture ourselves the way we want our results. When we follow same habits for a week or two, we can get into the habit of doing that unknowingly. So you got to follow a time table only for some days, after that it get feeds into your brain and then it can finally run you.

As per research, people tend to make habits in 21 days but as far as I’ve experienced, you can definitely have any habit if you’re doing something consistently without breaking it for a single day for a single week. It sounds easier and fortunately it is actually as simple as that. You just got to be focused towards your dream and your ultimate goals.

It can definitely help people who are suffering from anxiety and stress as routine brings us peace and control of our life into our own hands. When following this, we have to make sure we are not doing something that can be a barrier to your daily routine work, like only include those habits which you want to perform everyday. Try not to make a fudge and destroy even the older good habits of yours.

Some of the day time activities can be waking up on a fixed time, having breakfast, taking shower to freshen up, do your leftover work, have lunch, take a small nap, get back to work, have dinner with your family or friends, get back to bed, listen to your favorite music or read books. Don’t forget to take small breaks of 5–10 minutes in between every hour. Also take a walk and do some exercise to keep your health on check. Reduce your screen time as much as possible as it can affect your sleep-time.

{4} CHOOSING HOBBIES AS YOUR CAREER — We often think we must do what we love. Like some of us loves to paint, write, play, et cetera, but are we doing this right. Hobbies are the things we are in love with, but we love them because we get to do these things very often. We can also do these things as our side job. But do these hobbies really makes a good CAREER? The answer is quite disappointing as it is a big NO.

It is true for most of the people, we can’t deny the fact that some of us really make something out of the hobbies we have. But when we are talking about majority the people, it usually doesn’t go as planned. You have to pick a career for your daily bread. It may sound like a typical parent’s advice but what it means is that you can always go for your hobbies if you have enough money to invest. But you can’t make a career out of nothing in your hand. “Money can’t buy happiness” this quote argument goes a long way, but if we get back into reality and think more practically, then no-one can think of happiness when one has every problem associated with money.

Harsh but the truth is that money is needed even to help others, so when it comes to helping yourself, you have to be financially stable.

These morals have a strong base if I may say but no practicality in real life. So you better go with what you think you can make a good CAREER and then can go for whatever you love to do. No-one dares to stop you when you’re on your own.

{5} LACK OF PASSION — This is something that no-one can ever give you or provide with sufficient amount of it. This is something that comes from inside, whatever you want to achieve that must be your passion first. Then only you can make it your top priority on your top to-do list. When one lacks passion for that thing, then it must be the wrong way you’re taking or maybe the wrong choice.

You must choose wisely while you’re opting for your future for that is what you’re going to do for your rest of your life. If not, you may loose your interest in mid way and stuck in between making choices. The hardest part about achievement is that you have to stay consistent. And consistency comes from interest which again comes from your inner motivation which is your passion.

Being passionate about your goal may sound a little time taking event. You can also try being passionate about little events, say you’ve to finish this book within one week, mark a deadline and get yourself rewarded if you achieve so. That can help you stay motivated for a very long period of time without loosing any interest.

Look into the mirror and tell yourself everyday-YOU GOT THIS MAN!

Life is what you make out of it, so choose wisely

At last I want to convey the only message every person should get, you must trust yourself before doing any of it, otherwise these all applications may fail. Believing in your own self a different form of power that very few people tend to have, and you should be one of them.




By Meghna Nimesh Life sciences graduate 🎓 Medico 🩺👩‍⚕️