Maybe this lockdown wasn’t that BAD.

3 min readDec 13, 2020

Moments of sorrow are messengers from happy times. Just like after rain, there’s a lot more clear sky.

Lot of friendships and relationships didn’t survive this period. We all got hurt, we all lost, we all faced failures yet some embraced the changes and some are still busy blaming the moments. Some of us kicked out of our jobs, some lost their long lived friendship, there were also people parting because they couldn’t take it anymore. We all faced the same situation with different scenarios. So many negative things happening all around turned us into stone hearted person. All BAD happened to us and everyone else but maybe this all we thought as wrong was actually right

Maybe this all was meant to happen to heal us and our nature. When we lived inside,there was something which was coming back to its past- “NATURE". There are still some things left to embrace. With so many negativity around, you could only say 'this is the worst year' but why not learn to see the bright side of this pandemic to make this year a little less worse.

When we were chained to our doors, nature kept blooming and gave us our best. It restored all the resources back to its core, rivers were clean, sky was clearer than ever before, streets were nice & quiet. The jobs you lost weren’t meant to be yours, the friends you can’t meet anymore were actually not good enough (you can meet many more), the person you loved maybe doesn’t deserved you anyway, the time you got with your family you may never get that in your lifetime, the friends who are still supporting you are actually the closest ones, the relatives you thought were selfish were the only one to show up when you faced some difficulty, your college or school you used to bunk is now the most missed place of this year.

‘So many things changed from worse to best'

Yes EXACTLY, we have so many reasons to make this year a better one but our human psychology doesn’t let us do so. Why not make a resolution right now that whatever so may happen but we’ll never loose our hope, we’ll never let go of our dreams, won’t let the situation control us instead we’ll stand brave to every obstacle life gives you. Even in the times of lost hope, we’ll follow the light.

‘A single year can’t decide your coming years'

Believe it or not, but this period was of growth and development. We turned to the wisest version of ourselves, we learnt to overcome our fears by ourself, we learnt to oversee the faults of others, we made ourselves our priority, supported others in their worst times. Somehow we became what we never thought we could. In short, you became the REAL YOU. And that’s what this lockdown gave us as a gift.

“Embrace the changes within you
Embrace what you’re right now
Tomorrow may bring something new
Together we take this vow"

Life is challenging sometimes and we can’t come up with any door through but there’s always a way. Let’s not stop looking for that already. Everyday is a new day to make a better start. Praising the changes you got after a storm of painful moments, that’s what makes us the strongest.

Thanks for reading guys!

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By Meghna Nimesh Life sciences graduate 🎓 Medico 🩺👩‍⚕️